Acnes Creamy Wash- 100g

Price: BDT 350

Acnes are an international skincare brand from Japan. Salicylic Acid & Isopropyl methyl phenol enriched Acnes kill bacteria & amp; prevents your skin from Pimple. Converts your face with a perfect look. Acnes Creamy wash successfully removes pimple and can also be used as the regular face wash.

Acnes Creamy Face Wash: 
- Removes dirt and dust, Kills acnegenic bacteria. Fortified with vitamins that work gently on the skin.
- Anti-Bacterial: Isopropylmethylphenol kills acnegenic bacteria present deep into the pores.
- Anti-Inflammation: Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate prevents and cures redness and reduces acne/pimples.